Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Andes

This is a preview for our upcoming trip to the Andes.
Tungurahua (meaning "throat of fire" in the native language Quichua)
is an active volcano that towers over many mountains.
My favorite places in Ecuador are along the skirts of this mighty volcano.

Cuy asado ("roasted guinea pig")
It tastes rather like roasted chicken...
with a slight rodent aftertaste :)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

17 Weeks and Fair Weather

I couldn't have asked for a more pleasant time to be expecting.
The warm sun and swaying wildflowers make everything here in the country so cheerful,
and the whole world just bursts with life.

This is the first picture we've taken where you can actually suspect that we're expecting. I feel larger than I am, I guess, because my pants don't fit anymore. I can't complain too much...dresses have always been comfy. Forget morning sickness...I feel like the cookie monster around food! I'm glad it's that way...I've always really enjoyed food.

The doctor said that everything is going very well and there aren't any complications that he can foresee.
The only complaint so far is that I can't sit for long periods of time. Adam chuckles when I slouch in church...
my posture is becoming a little awkward because sitting up straight pushes the baby down against my thighs. Up until now, it's the first time that I've actually felt like there might actually be something inside of me!

We are excited to think what it might be. We'd both be excited about either one! I keep dreaming that we have a baby, but it isn't consistently a boy or a girl. I guess we'll know soon enough...a couple days after our adventures in Ecuador!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Summertime Wildflowers

Adam's work on the lawn has completely transformed our house. The wildflowers that have bloomed seem to add the perfect touch to our country home.

Adventures in Gilmore

We spent the night in a ghost town
Ghost Chickens
An old tractor (that still works!)
Nathan and Thomas both got one. Stephanie tried very hard.

Adam took us to see the old mining sites and houses

Some real sharpshooters

It's incredibly hard not to smile for a picture

Monday, August 2, 2010

Wrestling Gertrude the Goat

Nathan and Thomas played with the ornery goat for hours.
It kept wagging its tail like a dog and tried to get them
to antagonize it. We're still convinced its a lunatic.

The well-known retarded stare down
(the goal was to stare as long as you could without laughing at
the ridiculous-looking animal)