Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A butterfly

Elizabeth found a butterfly!

Watching it move

(It had a bite out of its wing...most likely from a bird)

I'm holding it!

Butterfly has an "Owie"

She put it on the flowers so it could "eat"

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Take a walk with Elizabeth


Putting the leaf in a hole

Signing "tree"

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Pulled a clip out of her hair...

...Mmmm! yummy! "eat! eat!"

"Sleeping" on the tennis court



Elizabeth LOVES bikes. Whenever she sees one she exclaims "BIKE!" Imagine her excitement to sit in her very own "chair" on a real bike. She wasn't sure what to think at first, but when we took her down, she turned right bake around and said "ah-DEN! ah-DEN! Bike?"

She also loves to squeak the horn