Friday, January 15, 2010

Awkwardly Hilarious

Gosh, it's hard to get homework done in the library!

This guy came up to me while I was typing at the computer and asked me if I knew anything about math. Weird.
I fibbed and told him I am terrible at math (thinking "leave me alone, I need to get this done! That's why people are in the library!!).

He persisted, then talked about how he always came to the library to see if people knew anything about his chemistry or math homework. I knew where this conversation was headed. Great.

I asked him his name in a "good-to-meet-you, bye" sort of way, and he delved into where I was from and what I'm studying (I was trying to find a not-so-awkward way to cut in and tell him I was busy...all my ideas popped up in Spanish.) So he's talking about how all the girls he's met from Arizona have pretty, fair skin...blah, blah, blah (still trying to figure out if I should just embarrass him in front of all the listening people in the library and tell him I'm married).

At this point, I'm trying to keep my voice to a low whisper because people are turning around and glaring because of the conversation. He continues in full voice and I'm starting to feel cornered. Then he finally says what he really wanted, and asks me if I would be available to go on a date sometime. (Oh, think quick! What do I say? So I said the most logical thing I could think of...and it wasn't a lie) "Oh, I really can't. I don't have the time. You see, I'm taking 18 credits right now" (and he makes simpathetic comments and faces which I totally ignore) "and from morning to night I'm constantly working on things." (Whew! Let's hope he takes it!)

Only skipping half a beat, he started to edge his way into persuading me into setting some time aside. I could tell he was going to ask me again, and before he could get in another word, I expressed to him my pardon and sympathy, showed him the assignment "I just have to get done by next class" (it wasn't due until 3:15) and that was finally enough. I wished him good luck on his assignment and as I dismissed him, he walked away a little hesitantly, like I was kidding and I was going to call him back. I turned around and continued my assignment as if I'd never been interrupted, chuckling inside.

Rule one to library dating: Everyone's hands are on the keyboard. LOOK FOR THE RING!

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