Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Valuable Gift

One of the greatest habits that I was able to develop as a missionary
was writing in a journal every day.

Before I left, Adam gave me two little blue notebooks (pocket sized)
and said if I did nothing else, I should write down what and where I ate every day.
That would help me remember things we did that day.

I had never been a really diligent journal writer, but I decided 
to do better than that, and wrote a quick bulleted summary of each 
day's events. I missed a few days, but was able to keep up because
lists are easier to make than telling a story. (I still wrote down very
significant experiences in nicer journals, but less frequently). I was
surprised to read through them and find that I had preserved exactly
what missionary life to day things with miracles mixed in.

I kept up the habit after returning to normal life. I keep a little journal on
my nightstand so I have it there handy at the end of the day. I still
resort to a bulleted list sometimes, or even just a sentence. But the
memories recorded are invaluable. There are things I've forgotten in
even a few months' time that are neat to look back on. Even the most 
mundane days seem kind of amusing to remember. And to think that
it all started with two little notebooks from a friend.

Imagine stumbling upon an old journal from an ancestor like that.
It would be so fun to read!

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