Tuesday, April 27, 2010

8 Months (8 Meses)

My best friend in Phoenix, Jenae, took this picture. Adam and I have now been married for 8 months!

Mi mejor amiga en Fenix, Jenae, tomo la foto. Adan y yo ya estamos casados ocho meses!

Sunday, April 18, 2010



Adam taking Caleb for a ride on the 4 wheeler (El hijo de los vecinos anda con Adan)

Our trusty dog, Annie (La perrita, Ani)

Cruel April Weather Jokes (Crueles bromas de abril)

A beautiful warm April morning. (Un dia tibia de abril)

I woke up the next morning to this (Me desperte el proximo manana y vi eso)

The Goat (La Cabra)

We welcome the new addition to the Christensen farm: a goat. Generously donated by Adam's friend from nursing class, it roams around eating the weeds and calling out desperately to the neighbors' horses. Adam says he thinks it's retarded...it runs in circles and has a weird way of twisting its jaw when it looks at you. Though it isn't the most attractive animal, it sure has a comical personality. It knocks on our back door and Adam even found it on top of the four wheeler.

(Le damos bienvenido a la cabra. La recibimos de una companera de escuela de Adan. Anda comiendo la hierba y llamando a los caballos de los vecinos. Adan dice que tal vez tiene un problema mental...corre en circulos y te queda viendo en una manera raro. Aunque no sea el animal mas bonito, tiene una personalidad chistosa. Toca la puerta, trata de escapar, y una vez la encontramos montado en el carrito.)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Planting Trees (Nuevos Arboles)





Row of Lilacs
It couldn't have been a more perfect day. Clear blue sky. Warm sun. Cool breeze. $1.80 pine trees from Lone Pine Nursery. Adam and I worked hard to get them all in: 8 lilac bushes, 10 aspens, 1 honeycrisp apple tree, and 23 pine trees....for a grand total of 42 trees planted in one afternoon. We had lots of fun and are excited to watch everything come alive around us.

(No podria ser un mejor dia. Estaba solado con una brisa fresca. Los arbloes los compramos a $1.80 cada una. Adan y yo trabajamos para enterarlos. 8 alelies, 10 aspen, 1 arbol de manzana, y 23 pinos...42 en total! Nos divirtimos trabajando duro y estamos emocionados ver todo crecer este verano que viene.)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Best Kind of News to Get During Finals (El mejor tipo de noticia que pude recibir en medio de los ultimos examines)

I just found out that Julio Cedeno got baptized January 16th. I couldn't believe it! Julio with the long hair, very busy, nice to the ladies, and into all sorts of things...HE GOT BAPTIZED! And now he's the young men's teacher in his ward. Unbelievable. He always had such great faith and knew that the church was true. It made me so happy to know that he finally acted on that faith, overcame all odds, and followed what he knew was right. The warm feeling that comes from seeing a close friend get baptized is unlike any other. I'm so proud of Julio!

(Recien me entere que Julio Cedeno se bautizo el 16 de enero. Casi no lo podia creer! Julio tenia pelo largo, estaba muy ocupado, tenia bastantes novias, y se metia en todo tipo de cosa...EL SE BAUTIZO!! Ahora es un maestro para los hombres jovenes en su barrio. Increible. Siempre tenia una gran fe y sabia que la iglesia era verdadera. Me alegre al saber que ppor fin el actuo, supero todo lo contrario, y sigio lo que sabia que era verdad. El sentimiento que viene de ver a un amigo ser bautizado es unico. Estoy muy orgulloso de Hermano Julio!)