Monday, April 12, 2010

Planting Trees (Nuevos Arboles)





Row of Lilacs
It couldn't have been a more perfect day. Clear blue sky. Warm sun. Cool breeze. $1.80 pine trees from Lone Pine Nursery. Adam and I worked hard to get them all in: 8 lilac bushes, 10 aspens, 1 honeycrisp apple tree, and 23 pine trees....for a grand total of 42 trees planted in one afternoon. We had lots of fun and are excited to watch everything come alive around us.

(No podria ser un mejor dia. Estaba solado con una brisa fresca. Los arbloes los compramos a $1.80 cada una. Adan y yo trabajamos para enterarlos. 8 alelies, 10 aspen, 1 arbol de manzana, y 23 pinos...42 en total! Nos divirtimos trabajando duro y estamos emocionados ver todo crecer este verano que viene.)

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