Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Goat (La Cabra)

We welcome the new addition to the Christensen farm: a goat. Generously donated by Adam's friend from nursing class, it roams around eating the weeds and calling out desperately to the neighbors' horses. Adam says he thinks it's runs in circles and has a weird way of twisting its jaw when it looks at you. Though it isn't the most attractive animal, it sure has a comical personality. It knocks on our back door and Adam even found it on top of the four wheeler.

(Le damos bienvenido a la cabra. La recibimos de una companera de escuela de Adan. Anda comiendo la hierba y llamando a los caballos de los vecinos. Adan dice que tal vez tiene un problema mental...corre en circulos y te queda viendo en una manera raro. Aunque no sea el animal mas bonito, tiene una personalidad chistosa. Toca la puerta, trata de escapar, y una vez la encontramos montado en el carrito.)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I must admit my wife is very patient with me and my spur of the moment whims. When my friend from the nursing program asked if I wanted a goat I didn't hesitate. I think Amanda was quite surprised when I came home announcing my acquisition of the goat. The goats name is Gertrude… or Greta… I can’t decide which.
